How long does the service last?
An hour and fifteen minutes is typical on Sunday morning. This includes worship in song, tithes & offerings, message, and Lord’s Supper.
What should I wear on Sunday morning?
Sunday morning is comfortable and casual. You will find people dressed in a tie and in jeans.
What should I wear on Wednesday evenings?
This is totally informal.
Most everyone wears jeans in the cooler months and some will wear shorts in the warmer months.
Where do I park?
We have a handicap parking lot off of Dexter Street at the rear of the building. General parking is located on the corner of Delaware and Summit, as well as side street parking.
Where do I enter the building?
Our main entrance is in the front of the building off of Summit Street. From there you can go up to the auditorium or down to the fellowship hall for Wednesday evenings.
How do you take communion?
We participate in communion every Sunday when we meet. This is for all Christians and you may partake of the emblems when they are passed.
How do I become a member of TCC?
We would love to have this discussion with you on a more personal level. Schedule a meeting with our minister and get to know more about the Lord and His Church.
Is there anything for my kids?
YES! There are Sunday classes at 9:30 for all ages. Each Wednesday there is a youth class. We have a cry room for mothers with babies and a nursery.